
Web Design

Text Editor is one of the main tool for any coder. Initially coders use to do all the coding on these very basic text editors with no features and functionalities. With time more complex and highly customizable text editors came into the coding world. Features like autocomplete, highlighting, tabbing and live preview made life extremely easy. Today there are several editors available in the market some are free while some ....

While designing an eCommerce website, you must keep both design and user experience in mind. To increase conversion, you cannot but follow several design best practices. So what are these best practices? In this article, we have rounded up the top 5 web design tips that will guide you through the path of creating a top-notch eCommerce website. 1. Create an Effective Search Bar Users are the prime concern for every kind of ....

E-commerce is going strong with a 23% increase each year. As almost 99% of the population in the UAE has access to the internet, it is now very easy to make a visitor your permanent customer.  According to a survey, almost 58% of all the online purchases were from websites outside the UAE, mostly Aisa and North America. This means people are still going outside UAE for online shopping and there is great potential for UAE ....

Comscore recently released its Global Mobile Report and it contains some very interesting insights into Mobile phone usage statistics. In this  Report, Comscore used mobile and multi-platform data to highlight demographics, content categories, and brands that are shaping the digital landscape. There are a lot of very key aspects highlighted in this report and online marketing managers can use this info to shape their ....

In this article, we are listing down top IT companies in Dubai, UAE that has proved to be the success stories and are inspiring people to unlock their potential in the Oasis of IT startups. These companies have used the power of IT and the internet to open the doors of innovation. Some of these projects are now multi-million-dollar companies and are growing at a fast pace. These companies are creating thousands of job ....

The front page of a website is the face of an organization or business. A website is created for achieving certain goals and targets. For example, merchants want a robust product display on their eCommerce website, whereas bloggers want to portray information in a more professional way. In either way, the end goal of a front end design is to attract users to take interest in the content. This makes web designing a ....

Like everything else in technology, web design trends are constantly changing. What worked yesterday might not work today. User’s buying behaviors and priorities change in reaction to technological changes and so websites should be designed in a way that respond to these changes. It’s not always easy to make an accurate guess of what web design trend will work and what will not in the next year. Looking at the ....

The time has gone when the web site of a company was just a formality that they need to put on their visiting cards. Today websites have become a symbol of brand image and success. As Andrew Grant said You never get a second chance to make a first impression. A company's first image is usually its website. Having a great website automatically sends a positive vibe to your visitors and enhances a level of ....

Web designing has evolved into a surprisingly captivating field for engaging visitors and turning them into loyal customers. With the increase of cell phones and handheld gadgets, the number of online users has raised to exponentially highest figure of estimation. About 80% is the internet users own a mobile device, and to cater their needs the mobile friendly has a need of today. Online users search for their favorite ....